Monday 27 July 2009


If you're signed up to SUPERSWEET's weekly newsletter, you've probably noticed, on more than one aoccassion, that we misspeall a few words. It's not our fault - rather that of our chief ed, who is Thai, and pretty much manic when it comes to typing up our week-full resume of stuff in a panic to get it out to you. Publishing days ar magazines are always manic, but here at the SS HQ, She won't let us proof read or edit her work. This means more funny words coming your way, like "the hype suppounding Michael Jackson's death". See what we mean? It doesn't matter though, since other people misspell shit too on even m,ore regular basius - like a certain intern at this PR agency who writes labels for Metric's promos. We're not sure if she's been fired yet, but if she is, she's more than welcome to come work for us! With love, the team at SUPERSWEET.

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