Suck my egg |
Want to know the reality of working for a magazine in the publishing sector? It makes every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday feel like a Friday, ie, the never-ending end to a VERY long week.
SUPERSWEET fits the bill. We love a bit of fun, but sometimes we go cork-screw raving mad. Mental workplace activities include:
rocking back and forth in our chairs
chasing the office cat with a miniature lobster
tossing important documents up in the air and guffawing
playing with hula-hoops
laying on the floor for 5 mintues like a sardine
covering ourselves with stickers
making stupid noises with our mouths and armpits
writing stupid blog posts
circling our shoulders to release pent-up aggression
staring at Jarvis Cocker for unnatural periods of time on YouTube
spending 2 days making cat skype to interview ONE band
We don't have a space hopper, like the officiously funny little twats in Nathan Barley, but BY GOD we can rival them. I watched that smash-hit Chris Morris series when it first hit our pewny little Hoxton heads years ago, and I thought, 'naaah, working in the PR/advertising/fashion/publishing industry can't be that blindingly daft!' Naturally, Morris proved me wrong. It is EXACTLY like that. Through working at SUPERSWEET for over 3 years, I could have written that Nathan Barley gig myself. Maybe it's time for a sequel...